STREAM-0D joined GO0DMAN for a ZDM workshop

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Last 20th of June, STREAM-0D joined ZDM cluster partner GO0DMAN in a workshop dedicated to Zero-Defect Manufacturing strategies: an occasion to introduce S0D activities and share feedbacks and points of view.

GO0DMAN (Agent Oriented Defect Multi-Stage Manufacturing) is a project that, just like STREAM-0D, is involved in the ZDM (Zero-Defect Manufacturing) cluster.

GO0DMAN fosters the integration and the convergence of technologies for measurement and quality control, for data analysis and management, at single process and at factory level. The ultimate goal is to develop a production strategy that can guarantee high quality of products without interfering, actually improving, the production efficiency of the entire system.


The ZDM workshop

Last 20th of June, STREAM-0D was invited by GO0DMAN to present the project during a ZDM-dedicated workshop that has been held in Ancona, Italy.

The event, which was titled ‘Technologies for Zero Defect Manufacturing Strategy: from Measurement to Knowledge’ featured speeches from GO0DMAN partners and end-users, from Prof. Shozo Takata of the Waseda University in Japan, from ZDMP project and, of course, STREAM-0D which, this time, was represented by Demetris Petrides of LMS (Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation) of the University of Patras. In STREAM-0D, LMS leads the activity of online data gathering and data driven models, with a strong contribution in the development and implementation of adaptive data control and decision making algorithms, and in the final integration and pilot implementation.

GO0DMAN business model canvas

The morning was dedicated to carry out an engaging user story with the aim of outline better the business model of the GO0DMAN composite product: a business model canvas and SWOT analysis were eventually produced. The afternoon focused on the projects activities and the ZDM paradigm in general.

GO0DMAN-STREAM-0D Demetris Petrides LMS

The workshop, in general, was an opportunity to share feedbacks and points of view that many stakeholders have on the concept of ZDM. The event proved to be a valuable testing ground for the ZDM cluster cooperation too: STREAM-0D and GO0DMAN, along with other projects working towards the implementation of ZDM processes, are working together to spread knowledge and disseminate results at a EU level. In this sense, future ZDM cluster events may be organized in the next months.


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