Final meeting to be held on October 8th, 2020

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STREAM-0D project just entered its last month of activity. The final meeting has been rescheduled due to the Covid-19 outbreak of the past months.

STREAM-0D project originally entered the last stage of activity in March 2020. The Covid-19 outbreak of the very same period made impossible to perform the last trials and prepare the demonstrators to be presented during the final meeting in front of the EC officer. That is why the project has been granted a six months extension which led to reschedule the final meeting to the beginning of October 2020.

The partners are currently working to finalize the trials and prepare the demonstrators, which will represent the final result of the 4 years challenge that involved all the consortium.

The final meeting was initially supposed to be held in Logroño, Spain, in Standard Profil factory; but the emergency of the last months made also traveling a complicated matter: therefore partners will gather remotely next October 8th. During the meeting, partners will present and discuss the project’s technical results as well as the future commercialization of the solution.


Follow STREAM-0D channels to stay up-do-date with news on the project.
