Stream-0D: Simulation for Zero-Defects Manufacturing
Would it be possible to achieve a zero-defects production process? ITAINNOVA coordinates Stream-0D, an ambitious project aimed at improving production through the introduction of real-time predictive models.
Physics-based simulation models have been widely used in product design and development for several decades, for product optimization and reduction of the time-to-production. With the latest advances in simulation codes, multi-physics modeling and HPC, it is possible for designers to use highly accurate, incredibly complex simulation models to better understand the physical behavior of a product or process, predict and analyze virtual what-if scenarios and fine-tune the design before it is actually built.
The right path: Reduced Order Modeling (ROM)
Could we also use these fantastic simulation models in the production line and feed them with real data retrieved from the line in order to predict the KPIs of each unit and adjust the process in real time, to minimize the variability and defects of the final products?
Sadly, and despite the latest advances in HPC, we are still far from being able to run these models within the typical time cycles of manufacturing processes. However, the latest Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) techniques are starting to offer us the possibility to transform complex models into real-time capable models that can be integrated in the production line.
ROM is going to allow us to obtain parametric solutions of complex models that can be particularized in real time for any value of the parameters. These solutions run so fast that they can be executed on tablets or smart phones.
Next steps
Stream-0D aims at demonstrating for the first time the huge potential of Reduced Order Models for reducing product variability, increasing line flexibility and achieving zero-defect manufacturing. The project will show proof-of-concept demonstrations in three real process chains of the automotive sector, covering different types of production methods, products, materials and manufacturing processes.
This article by ITAINNOVA (Spain) is the first of a series of contributions from Stream-0D consortium partners. Periodically, on the project channels, a different topic will be given prominence, along with videos featuring members involved in the project.