Using the 3Vs model to more effectively manage data
Cloud storage and computing, data acquisition and cloud-based communications for the interoperability of the different tools are essential components of the STREAM-0D solution. Within the project, IES provide tools to manage data more effectively.
Big Data is a term that’s being used more and more as digitisation takes over traditional methods of collecting data. In an increasingly data driven world, we now have the technology to capture large volumes of data to inform processes and help industries work more efficiently. However, there is now so much data available that knowing how to manage it all can be mind boggling.
Data analytics is rapidly changing the face of manufacturing. More companies are using data analytics to set up and control manufacturing processes e.g. automatically correcting parameters for production lines to decrease waste and meet demand. Manufacturing is an intensely asset driven industry and businesses need to be more innovative and efficient to ensure competitiveness. Manufacturers need to adopt a new way of thinking when it comes to data. However, changing from the industrial to the digital age can be both daunting and a minefield, leaving companies not knowing where they should start.
The 3Vs model
This is where the 3Vs model comes in. The 3V’s (volume, variety and velocity) are three dimensions of big data. Volume is the amount of data, variety is the number of types of data and velocity is the speed of processing the data. By understanding the 3V’s model you can more easily sort through mounds of data and gain insights that can be applied to solving problems, detecting patterns, and identifying opportunities. Applying the 3V’s and categorising your data by these principles makes it much more meaningful and valuable.
Research and Development projects such as those that IES are involved in, are helping to address issues around data management and provide the manufacturing industry with tools to manage data more effectively. Specifically, in STREAM-0D, IES leads the activities relating to cloud-based technologies, especially focusing on cloud storage and computing, data acquisition and cloud-based communications for the interoperability of the different tools.
IES is also responsible for the creation of a high-performance computing cloud, accessed via a web-enabled database platform, providing secure collection, storage and accessibility of the data continuously collected and generated by the models developed by the project partners. These include both data-driven modelling and Reduced-Order Models (ROMs). IES is leading the work on the re-calibration techniques, to ensure that the models remain accurate over the long term.
The STREAM-0D cloud based real-time tools are tested in three real process chains of the automotive sector, covering different types of production methods, products, materials and manufacturing processes.
By Suzanna Wallace, IES ltd.
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