Zero Defect Manufacturing logo

The European Commission is supporting a set of H2020 projects developing advanced technologies for manufacturing industry, aiming for zero-defect production of everything, from aircraft parts to machine tools. Their work will increase efficiency, reduce waste, boost competitiveness and lower costs for European manufacturers, particularly small and medium companies.

Particularly shared objectives are:

  • Development of a multi-stage production system that aims to achieve Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM);
  • Minimizing the number of defects in multistage production lines;
  • Innovative control system integrated in production lines able to reduce products variability;
  • A solution to control inline quality control methods;
  • Develop a Zero Defect Manufacturing production strategy that can guarantee high quality of production and promotion of the project in its entirety.


Zero Defect Manufacturing domain technologies


Zero Defect Manufacturing shared dissemination objectives

The group of projects have joined forces under the EC funded Common Dissemination Booster to:

  • Increase the project group’s dissemination impact on its common identified stakeholders, specifically the industry and scientific stakeholder groups;
  • Increase online visibility to support joint dissemination and leverage on social media channels with a view to broadening outreach to potential stakeholders;
  • Create a more tailored and comprehensive toolbox of dissemination items to increase visibility of the project group and its results.

The result is a set of communication/dissemination tools useful to spread the ZDM concept within the public and to promote each project’s activities and the results achieved within the realm of Zero Defect Manufacturing.


The projects involved


STREAM-0D logo Z-Fact0r logo GO0DMAN logo ZAERO logo ForZDM logo


Materials produced


ZDM Logo hi-res (pdf)

Zero Defect Manufacturing logo

ZDM Infographic (jpg)

ZDM Infographic thumbnail

ZDM Policy brief (pdf)

ZDM Policy Brief thumbnail

ZDM Flyer (pdf print version)

ZDM Flyer thumbnail

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