STREAM-0D work group to meet in Zaragoza for the periodic project review
Time for a balance for STREAM-0D, as the periodic project review approaches. The meeting will be held in Zaragoza, Spain, next March, 26-27th.
STREAM-0D consortium partners will gather in Zaragoza, Spain, next March 26-27th for the internal meeting and the periodic project review with the officer designated by the European Commission.
The gathering will be an opportunity for the partners to meet again after the M24 meeting that was held in Glasgow. Project advancements will be discussed as well as matters related to coordination. M30 marks an important step in STREAM-0D project life cycle, with only 12 months to go before the end of it.
The first day of the meeting will be held at ITAINNOVA headquarters, where partners will individually discuss the advancements of each of the 8 work packages that constitutes the project. The second day will take place directly at Fersa Bearings’ factory and the meeting will be attended by the EC officer too, who will eventually provide feedback on the project developments. Carrying out the meeting at Fersa Bearings’ will be important in order to directly experience the solution on a real application line. A plan of actions for the last year of project will be also delivered by the partners during the meeting.
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