New ZDM dissemination materials are available

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STREAM-0D project can now rely on a set of new dissemination tools produced together with other ZDM projects; these were developed thanks to the support of the Common Dissemination Booster.

The Common Dissemination Booster (CDB) is a service from the European Commission which is free of charge and available to all, ongoing or closed, European, National, Regional funded Research & Innovation (R&I) projects (H2020, FP7 or other). The booster encourages projects to come together to identify a common portfolio of results and shows them how best to disseminate to end-users, with an eye on exploitation opportunities.

In the past year, STREAM-0D worked closely with other EU-funded Zero-Defect Manufacturing projects to set common dissemination guidelines and execute joint activities useful to spread the concept of ZDM and the work that each project carried out so far.

Between these joint activities, the creation of many ZDM-oriented communication/dissemination materials must be mentioned. These materials are now available on the brand new dedicated page on STREAM0D website and represent the joint effort of STREAM-0D, Z-Fact0r, GO0DMAN, ZAERO and ForZDM projects.

Specifically, the policy brief that was produced focuses on the gaps in European policy formulation: these are impeding the full achievement of European ZDM leadership and so some challenges have been identified.

ZDM project are currently discussing future activities to be carried out in the forthcoming months. Activities are meant to include current project and future ones.