Highlights of STREAM-0D’s M36 consortium meeting

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With only six months to go before the end of the project, month 36 consortium meeting at ZF factory in Gliwice represented an important moment for STREAM-0D partners to share progress of each of the Work Packages.

STREAM-0D’s consortium meeting took place last October 1st-2nd in Gliwice, Poland, in ZF factory. ZF, one of the world’s leading developer and supplier of active and passive automotive safety systems such as steering, braking and driver assistance systems, is one of STREAM-0D’s end-users. In the project, ZF is active in the definition of the industrial requirements and specifications for the implementation of model-based control in production lines for braking actuation units; ZF is also evaluating the simulation-based control solutions.

ZF Gliwice, Poland

The Polish meeting was the last one before the final review that will take place in six months: STREAM-0D is in fact about the enter the last phase of the project. During the meeting, partners reviewed the different modules that have been developed and are being integrated in the production lines.

STREAM-0D partners' meeting in Gliwice

Between them, a special mention goes to the digital twins, that will be able to predict in real-time the KPIs and to the recalibration modules, that will adjust the models based on the data gathered in the line. The work carried out so far includes also the optimization modules that adjust the process parameters to yield products with zero defects in the addressed KPIs. These models are being connected to the data gathering devices and to the actuators that control the process. STREAM-0D technical partners have even developed virtual lines to test everything under a simulated environment before proceeding with the hard tests.

Consistently with the last consortium meeting in Zaragoza (March 2019), when a visit to Fersa Bearings line was organized, ZF also showcased how the production process is carried out: the tour was useful to experience the complexity of the brake booster production and, most importantly, to see the STREAM-0D measurement station – the so called HBubble Station – in action: the station is in fact ready to produce data and the models are able to run at the pace of the vacuum piston production line, as planned.STREAM-0D partners, ZF production line

STREAM-0D partners, ZF Gliwice

STREAM-0D, HBubble Station

STREAM-0D consortium meeting was also useful to plan the activities that will lead to the set up of the solution demo and to assess the improvements to be implemented in the last months of the project.

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